Random thoughts and programming work
Friday, June 16, 2006 | 12:05:25 AM
Sorry for the lack of updates. I don't like putting forth lack-luster entries. Then again, anything is better than nothing... in most cases. I haevn't found a muse to write. Or if I have, then I lacked the initiative to do so. But now I'm going to force myself to develop some idea...
Time for a job? I do need a source of income, but I'm far too lazy to go to work at some fast food place, for instance. I simply don't feel like doing such tedious work. Well, not that what I'm interested in doing is not tedious... but it's a different kind.
I'm actually interested in doing freelance jobs as a web designer or programmer, in order to raise side imcome. So far, I've done a few jobs, but they've ended up being for free. Ehh, that's fine. I can build a portfolio or something. I need to work on my creativity, though.
Ahh, come to think about that, I can set up a digital portfolio of sorts. The about me section on this blog won't really cut it. That's something to do for the summer I guess.
Now, more things on web production. I'm really glad that I've worked on so many php projects. A lot of things I can simply copy and paste then modify to the new specifications. But still, I want to keep growing and make newer and better things. Perhaps a forum is next in order to build. I'll look around and see what interests me.
Of course... if anyone needs a website created (preferably with financial compensation), I'd be glad to do so =D
Heh, well you could always sell yourself out on youtube =P. Well you could try for a job at EB games or Gamestop like I'm trying to.