And so the end begins
Wednesday, May 3, 2006 | 12:44:46 AM
So I've learned my lesson. crtl+a, ctrl+c. My post vanished. I must find the source of these missing entries/comments.
From what I remember...
The title refers to the end of school; with AP Test starting for me today and after school rehearsals for a concert, the signs of the end of school have made themselves known.
Today started well. I left for school, perhaps a bit late (despite waking up a bit early), but made it on time. First period: I skipped the final final as I would be heading out in thirty minutes. I left for the language lab, after reviewing a few idioms, and chose seat 11.
AP Spanish language - the test began at about 8:20. There were many sets of instructions due to the necesity of the headsets. And so began the first part. A bit shaky on listening, a tad bit more fluid with reading, it was not too amazing of a performance.
10 minute break coincided with passing period. Friendly faces helped me focus as I went to get a snack. I got my dollar, eyeing that cinnamon brown sugar pop tart. D1. A girl, rushing to get a snack before the tardy bell, arrived first. In go the coins... 1... 2... 3... 4. D.... 1. Damn. Oh well, I'll survive.
I returned and soon Section II began. Word completion was completed swiftly yet accurately. On to the essay. An odd question, but I wrote it out and wrote it well. I even had time to proofread, but only finishing the third paragraph of my five. I found only one error, but there's still the chance that I got others wrong. At least I didn't mess up "el programa". I flooded the conclusion with a ton of idiomatic expressions: tener que ver con, valer la pena, etc. Grammar, vocab, structure, organization, all there.
Finally, the quickest portion: speaking. Story was good; fluid, organized, right tenses. After I was instructed to open the packet, I ran stright to the pictures. The directions were thankfully said in both English and Spanish. As far as directed responses, also fluid, not too short, and only one realized-too-late tense error.
After the exam, I was still thinking in Spanish. I still am. And if any collegeboard people read this, I didn't discuss the exam; I talked about my reaction to it. I never revealed any question or prompt. No invalidation for me!
Then I went to get tacos at El Ranchito Taco Shop to celebrate. The food there is really good. Yum. Vale la pena to go there.
Then I came home. I wanted to work on the site but I didn't want to. Thanks to Sean, comment/entry deletion will be implemented soon. Also, I must figure out why some entries/comments are not being inserted.
Then I realized, when Dillon said, "see you at practice", that I had practice in 30 minutes. I rushed to get ready and leave, arriving about 3 mintues before 6. The keyboard proved to be a time waster, though. It wasn't a bad practice. The new setting and people made it... different.
And so now I'm here, trying to remember all that I wanted to say, from both before practice and after the entry problem.
I also had a rant about hypocrisy or something. I don't really remember what it was going to be, but Ill save it for later to keep this post focused and so I can find my muse.
Now to ctrl+a, ctrl+c and hope for the best.
So yeah. I fixed the problem. It was that I didn't mysql-escape the string. Any slashes/ would kill the entry.
Whooo slash killing is fun ////////////////////!!!!
At any rate, I found a piano song for you. I'm too cheap to print it so I shall link it as my URL
gah... it has failed me...
Stupid "headingHome" thing... whatever that came from...
[I got a cookie!]
You chose #11 in hopes of getting a... 1 on the exam?