School Update
Wednesday, August 2, 2006 | 11:41:24 PM
So, this is just a quick update about school. I want to go to sleep... soonish... nowish.
First news: I got my AP US score! It's a 4! That means my grades should be an A now. That's good! Yay.
Next: SAT rescore. Apparently there was no change. It said I omitted 8 questions on the math section. I'm thinking that I probably didn't bubble in the free response part. I guess that means I'm retaking it. On that note, I also should sign up for the ACT.
Next: Schedule. I'm sure many of you want to know. If not, humor me. I wasn't able to take one class. So that's one less AP class to bolster my grade, but the replacement, I think, will end up being rather enjoyable.
So here it is!
So basically, I had to drop AP Music Theory to make room for AP Government. That's the gist. I'm too lazy to give the details - conflicting periods and all that. None of my classes were available in 5th period so I requested to see the list, as I did last year, getting my stuck with AP Stats. Ew. Newspaper was the first and seemingly only one that interested me. So, I took it! I'm sure it will be a fun experience, regardless.
So on that note, It's time for bed, just about.
Yay for AP English Lit with Hoppe.
And newspaper.