Grammar Nightmare: The Perils of Pronouns
Monday, August 7, 2006 | 11:37:44 PM
So today went as normal... but not really. 6th day of band camp. Third to the last. But what made it most interesting... it started at lunch.
We got our lunch, took a seat and began eating. Halfway through, Sharon proposed a third person contest: everyone must speak in third person. Ryan decided it was a good idea. Others joined in with Ryan and Sharon, for instance, Dillon. It lasted quite a while for everyone. Ryan was doing pretty well, but some people were annoyed with Ryan and co. It was then decided that pronouns and refereneces to oneself by name should be eliminated. Passive voice was used often. Ryan thought it seems as though he was narrating his life, going so far as to say, "Ryan laughs. haha." or "Ryan gets a drink of water."
So dinner came and Sharon, Ryan, and all the others were still at it. On the way to the field, Ryan proposed that he should end the 3rd person contest and start a game in which 1st and 2nd person were switched. You thought it would be more interesting and definitely more challenging. They decided, because plural you is confusing, that we and they would also be switched. They had a lot of fun at lunch. Chris joined in with them. They were angering some people though, for instance, Bree and Malerie. On the other hand, they managed to ensnare other people with them, including Christine and many more. They had fun. You thought it was interesting when they asked "How am I?" or "Do I understand what you're saying? They decided to modify the language a bit." It lasted a long time and they had a lot of fun. They went around to a lot of people who either got it and joined in, got it and was too confused to join it, or didn't get it at all. There was also the group that understood them, but we were too... well something, and we just didn't join in. You thought it was fun at least, and certain phrases become really confusing, such as "Thank me", "You'll see me later", and "You're sorry", among others.
So anyway, that's the grammar nightmare. Pronouns lost, modified, confused, removed, and with that, the subject verb agreement had problems. I should try it some time. You mean, you had fun. Ryan believes that he will do it again soon.
Ryan exits.
What do I think?
you had a lot of fun doing the mentioned activites today and you hope i did too! why are they still in the mode? readers might ask them. well your dear friends it is quite fun and a good excercise of the mind. however i must try it to fully understand the concept of this language. anyway back to me [gochee]. they still have to successfully trick the trickiest of tricksters: mr. wade. ^^ darn! you were about to say err you mean type something but you forgot! how unfortunate for both i and you! but no worry you will remember sometime and will tell me as soon as you do ^^ you will now resume your conversation with me.
You had fun reading about that? You think it seems like a fun game, maybe one to try sometime with your friends...
That almost made sense *goes into third person*
One must enjoy the games that one plays, lest one be severely disappointed...
Heh... Yes. It was fun. The next day, though, we decided to add the rules of opposite day on top of the pronoun switching. Opposite day is confusing.
You didn't think it wasn't fun. You're sure that it didn't make sense. In subtraction, you don't believe that it wasn't surprising how they didn't manage to speak in the manner and yet be incomprehensible to each other. It wasn't obvious that no one else would understand them. Too good for us! Our gain! Do I disagree?
You disagree.... sounds like no fun at all... you can't imagine not doing this in surreal life...