Procrastinate later, not now
Monday, August 28, 2006 | 1:08:35 AM
Why procrastinate now when you can procrastinate later?
An amusing quote... both tongue-in-cheek and helpful. One may see it first as a joke, in that procrastinators put off things, so why not put off procrastinating? But by that, it also means one should do things as soon as possible to be able to waste time later. But since you would have nothing left to put off, one can't truly procrastinate procrastination: proof by contradiction. QED.
In other news, I'm avoiding doing my homework. It's interesting that I'll tend to do things due later before things more pressing. Usually because they interest me more or can be finished quicklier. Regardless, it's a bad habit I should break. I always put that off, however. Or, I only last for a short while. That while being anywhere from a day to under three weeks. Supposedly a habit is formed after 21 consecutive days. Too bad I can only last for 20.
I do usually end up getting everything done. And I still have my fun. I merely lose a bit of sleep... I usually prioiritize sleep, however, so I still get at least 5 hours a night. Normally more. I strive for 7, but 9 appears to be my natural number.
So basically, this entry was made mostly to avoid typing up something that has already been written up; doing under 5 minutes of work (Word is already opened, actually).
Another note: mynoteIT interests me, as well as Writely. I wonder if I will get a chance to use them. The former is only likely in AP Government (and Journalism) if I happen to bring my laptop and acquire internet access. The latter is probable for some AP Chem Labs... possibly.
I'm really rambling. Desperately trying to hold on to all that is not schoolwork. Looks like my grip is slipping... Hamlet, to read or not to read, that is the question.