Wiki Wiki Weirdness
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 | 12:24:32 AM
I recently discovered a chart listing the most popular Wikipedia entries since its inception (about 3 days ago). This Wikipedia Chart reveals some interesting information. The top includes the main page, Wiki, Wikipedia, as well as popular news items (JonBenét Ramsey and Pluto). Next surprised me: Pokemon. The fad is long gone, but it's number 7!?
After that, you notice a few trends. The top 100 consists mostly of things that recently appeared on the news, celebrities, anime, and sex/porn-related items. A lot of the last item. People's minds seem to be rather predictable, perhaps? Or possibly this is just a subset of people with similar tastes. Another interesting note is that the list of gay porn stars ranks higher than the list of female ones.
So that list was interesting enough, but then I stumbled across another similar list... but it was for Wiktionary this time. The Wiktionary Top 100 was a lot more... predictable. Sex related terms make up a significant percent of the top pages and become more distributed towards the end. In fact, of the top 15 pages, there are 8 such terms.
It seems obvious what people consider the internet to be for... well, at least the Wikimedia area of the internet.