Everyone is different
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 | 12:08:05 AM
[Yeah, the last post didn't feel... right. I hope this one provides better quality.]
So the mass concert ended on a pretty high note. No pun intended. I knew that my dad would arrive 20 minutes after I call, so I called him early. Time passes and it appears that I suddenly have two missed calls. So, I get my stuff together and head outside.
My dad has a short temper. I open the door to get in and the first thing I hear is, "I don't want to talk to you." Fun. It seems that he is again missing his wraslin'. It's only a TV show. They're meant for entertainment, (but I'm sure the networks would like people to be addicted,) so I don't think one should get so angry.
Or maybe it's me. When I miss something as such, I get disappointed. Angry? Sad? I prefer to say troubled. I could live without watching some show. I consider it more of a bonus if I get to see it, not as a loss if I don't. That's probably where the difference lies.
In addition, when I'm troubled, I don't really show it. For the most part, I'm stoic. I have a continually happy-to-nonchalant face. That way, I won't make everyone else sad or angry. If I appear happy, I'm sure that will make more people happy than if I yelled, grunted, attacked, or force onto people my problems.
My dad is the opposite. If he's mad, then he's mad. He'll mumble discontently to himself; his patience drops dramatically; his tone lowers; his words lose courtesy; his actions become more forced and striking. I don't like being around him when he's mad. I get very annoyed.
But what is similar is that we both have quick recovery periods. Most won't notice that I was even troubled in the first place, so the transition is smooth. For my dad, once he feels better, he often apologizes for his anger, that he didn't mean it, that he was joking.
Fake it 'til you make it. If you're angry, don't let everyone know with a sour mood. Force a smile or occupy yourself with something productive and forget the problem. Confront it with a more relaxed mind, but thinking about being angry can only make it prolong it.
And my programming if/else mind forces me to make this disclaimer... yeah, there are exceptions to what I said, but I'm ranting here.
kuyaaaa~! i remembered your site and got bored =] you're so awesome i wish i could always smile like you ^_^ instead i get that grump-grump face =P lol i'll try better thanks for the inspiration kuya!
Heh your father could be much worse... that's what I always say: "Things could be much worse" (Crawford 2). *paranthetically cites his own quote* Anyways... that's how I get through, so... remember that little quote then?
And by the way, Sharon-kun... it's kinda rude to attach a suffix to your name when referring to yourself... makes you look really pompous...
Who cares if she's "pompous"? 1. The Asian rules only apply in Asian communities. 2. She's my bestest friend, so you leave her alone, you meanie! Anyway, as to Gochee's entry thingy: I wish I could smile all the time! And you totally have a point there, what with the not-making-everyone-else-feel-sad-when-you-are-sad thing. Well, this is my 3rd comment of the day, since this is my first visit and I'm checking everything out. So...yeah. I'll get back to that checking-things-out thing I was doing.
Much love,
Chrissy G