Layout Number Two
Tuesday, June 6, 2006 | 1:41:15 AM
Enough with the blue... now we're moving on to something... brighter.
I had orange in my last layout, but it wasn't enough for me. Now I went all out. It still seems a tad bit... unoriginal, but it's more of a separation from the standard blog format. I'm too lazy to round the corners, however. I was kinda lazy on many aspects of this. Basically, I wanted more orange. That I got.
The reason this is somewhat rushed is that I wanted to get this done by June 1st. That way, new month, new layout. Thanks to, for instance, my physics and spanish projects both being due on Friday, this was pushed back. Even though I missed my personal deadline, I still want to finish it post haste. It's not horrible, but I have a few problems with the layout. I think it's an improvement, at least.
And I didn't want it to be too bright without being too dull. I hope that these orange shades don't kill the eyes.