Two Weeks' Hypocrisy
Monday, October 23, 2006 | 1:45:41 PM
This is something of a two weeks' notice. A notice of my disdain.
One of the rules in band is that any schedule conflict that would require a missed practice must be notified before hand with two weeks of padding.
But this rule is one-sided, it seems.
Numerous time throughout the season, we have been confronted with added practices, new schedules events, more things to do. A week before, ten days, five, even three. We were "notified" of this practice extension on Friday, three days before this practice on Monday.
"Notified". It was a Friday when he spread this information. A B day. Around 1/3 of the students, then, got this information. I don't recall hearing about it at the pictures on Friday or even the competition on Saturday. So not only is this sudden, but it was poorly disseminated.
Finally, there are now rumours that this is a marching rehearsal, contrary to the Monday norms of music. I, at least, would not be prepared for this if it was. Jeans, loose casual shoes, all that. Even if it's just music, this shows how a lack of information will lead to panic.
So, while we are required to give two weeks of notice, the reverse is not necessarily true.
Sure, chain of command has its place, but that doesn't completely dismiss the hypocrisy.