Recent Downtime in Postage
Thursday, August 16, 2007 | 3:50:15 PM
So yeah. You may have noticed that there have been no recent posts. More likely, you may not have noticed until you read this. Either way, I intend to do something about this!
Mostly I don't know where I want to take this thing, how I want to continue it. I've also not had much inspiration, and if I have, then I decided I didn't like it after I got halfway through. I don't want to make stuff that no one (including me) wants to read, and I tend to be really critical of myself.
I'll be going to Australia today. 14-hour flight, joy. Then soon I'll be doing the UCLA college thing. Hopefully that will provide me with stuff to write about.
Just letting the 4.7* people who might care know that this isn't dead... yet. It's merely moribund with a slight chance of survival.
* Random number that has no statistical basis other than "what number is small, has a decimal part, and seems appropriate?".