Divide by Null - undefined


Voicemail has its uses, for example, when one won't be able to pick up the phone for awhile, but needs to relay a message immediately, or when other forms of communication are not possible, i.e. e-mail or texting is inconvenient or irrelevant.

However, I still usually end up ignoring it, thus rendering most of the pros as moot.

(1) Oct 10, 08 - 10:18 AM

On the subject of high school friends, just because you're different, doesn't mean you can't be friends.

(0) Jun 17, 07 - 10:41 PM

Pi is wrong.

Well, actually, maybe it would just be better to use what is currently known as 2*pi. I've always thought it would be easier if sine and cosine had periods that were just pi, not 2pi.

So should pi be 6.283185...? Should pi be the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius, instead of diameter? If so, it would take about 50 years for this to gain any momentum in the mathematical community.

(0) Apr 20, 07 - 12:07 AM

And so the end begins

Wednesday, May 3, 2006 | 12:44:46 AM

So I've learned my lesson. crtl+a, ctrl+c. My post vanished. I must find the source of these missing entries/comments.

From what I remember...

The title refers to the end of school; with AP Test starting for me today and after school rehearsals for a concert, the signs of the end of school have made themselves known.

Today started well. I left for school, perhaps a bit late (despite waking up a bit early), but made it on time. First period: I skipped the final final as I would be heading out in thirty minutes. I left for the language lab, after reviewing a few idioms, and chose seat 11.

AP Spanish language - the test began at about 8:20. There were many sets of instructions due to the necesity of the headsets. And so began the first part. A bit shaky on listening, a tad bit more fluid with reading, it was not too amazing of a performance.

10 minute break coincided with passing period. Friendly faces helped me focus as I went to get a snack. I got my dollar, eyeing that cinnamon brown sugar pop tart. D1. A girl, rushing to get a snack before the tardy bell, arrived first. In go the coins... 1... 2... 3... 4. D.... 1. Damn. Oh well, I'll survive.

I returned and soon Section II began. Word completion was completed swiftly yet accurately. On to the essay. An odd question, but I wrote it out and wrote it well. I even had time to proofread, but only finishing the third paragraph of my five. I found only one error, but there's still the chance that I got others wrong. At least I didn't mess up "el programa". I flooded the conclusion with a ton of idiomatic expressions: tener que ver con, valer la pena, etc. Grammar, vocab, structure, organization, all there.

Finally, the quickest portion: speaking. Story was good; fluid, organized, right tenses. After I was instructed to open the packet, I ran stright to the pictures. The directions were thankfully said in both English and Spanish. As far as directed responses, also fluid, not too short, and only one realized-too-late tense error.

After the exam, I was still thinking in Spanish. I still am. And if any collegeboard people read this, I didn't discuss the exam; I talked about my reaction to it. I never revealed any question or prompt. No invalidation for me!

Then I went to get tacos at El Ranchito Taco Shop to celebrate. The food there is really good. Yum. Vale la pena to go there.

Then I came home. I wanted to work on the site but I didn't want to. Thanks to Sean, comment/entry deletion will be implemented soon. Also, I must figure out why some entries/comments are not being inserted.

Then I realized, when Dillon said, "see you at practice", that I had practice in 30 minutes. I rushed to get ready and leave, arriving about 3 mintues before 6. The keyboard proved to be a time waster, though. It wasn't a bad practice. The new setting and people made it... different.

And so now I'm here, trying to remember all that I wanted to say, from both before practice and after the entry problem.

I also had a rant about hypocrisy or something. I don't really remember what it was going to be, but Ill save it for later to keep this post focused and so I can find my muse.

Now to ctrl+a, ctrl+c and hope for the best.

Comments (4)

Starting anew

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 | 1:36:35 AM

Welcome to my blog!

I decided that I wanted to start this up again. I felt a desire to do some programming and I had a habit of writing more than usual. I concatenated the two with this: I programmed this blog in PHP and now can write whatever I want on it!

This will probably be a permanent work in progress; I'll always be updating it to add new features, suit my needs, or just to play around. Right now, This is the first stable release since way back in 2004. I shall call it 0.2.1.

Feel free to leave comments on any ideas you have on features or anything I can add.

But now, it's time for sleep. This week is test week. CST Math on Mon, AP on Tues, Wed, and Fri, Driving on Thu, and SAT on Sat.

Don't forget to drink your mango juice today tomorrow!

Comments (4)
Towards infinity