College and Bloggage
Saturday, September 12, 2009 | 12:40:03 AM
So, I haven't made a post in a long time... basically since last summer. So I'll go ahead and summarize the year in short near-twitter-like sentences.
Marching band, fun and tiring. Fall, school starts, amazing, easy schedule. Meet new people. Australia, amazing trip. CS111 projects suck. First true all-nighter. Grades below my own standards. Winter break. Winter quarter. Start work. Fun in Irvine. Ding 80 - raid time. I suck at volleyball. I suck at tennis. I suck at waking up for 8:00 classes. Shower catastrophe. Interesting combinations at Urth Caffe. Easy quarter, but commuting hurts. Spring break. Spring Quarter. MCDB is fun. Tagiku is amazing. Still working, still doing nothing. Morning exercises weekly (or less). Camping! (Highlight was table slam). Kelton. Graduation. Sad. Amazing new computer! Full time work, and actually productive now. Learning soccer. Tennis, and I still suck. San Diego camping! (Highlight was ice cream). Learning tennis. Work gets insane. Sacramento. Home.
And that brings us back to now.
You see, I neglect this thing because I only want quality work to appear here. I also have high standards for myself, so nothing makes it past my initial filters. This is the exception to that rule. I mean, sure it's a personal blog and I could go the "u hata's dun no nething n im guna keep on bloggin w/e i want" and considering I have a readership of near 0, no one would really care... but I have standards for myself.
Anyway, I've been having thoughts on what I could do to improve this. Book/movie reviews (possible during this summer, but I foresee my interactions with those mediums dropping once school starts). Commentary on current events (which would force me to be a bit more attentive to the goings on of the world, but I generally don't like saying my opinion anyway). I'm getting a camera, so I could turn this into a photo blog possibly.
I think the other part is that (in real life) I end up talking mostly about either niche or otherwise trivial things in a completely uncollected manner. I guess I could talk about how Hidden Power works in Pokemon with respect to IVs and EVs, but you'd get better info elsewhere. Likewise, I'd go to twitter if I wanted to let the world know that I saw a praying mantis at the tennis court. As for the part about uncollected thoughts... just reread this blog and see how chaotic my train of thought is.
Well, that's enough nonsense for now. While writing this, I have come up with a few topics to dwell over. I'd say 25% will actually get written and then half will be dropped because of my QA work. We'll see how this blogging thing works out.
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