New Layout
Sunday, January 7, 2007 | 1:02:00 AM
So I guess with the new year comes a (desperately needed) new layout. I don't know why I made the last one. I guess I just wanted something orange. While it worked, it was... bad.
So now there's this. It's rather easier on the eyes than a bright orange. It looks a lot better because of that as well.
Plus now that I have access to photoshop, I'm able to play around with images a lot better and thus this came. Not bad, eh?
One thing though... it's untested in IE6 since I don't have it anymore and I don't want to bother. So... sorry. Get Firefox.
This came about because I was tired of CMSes and working with some other sites. But, I'm going to have to do them sometime, because I said I would. And yeah. I can do it, it's just boring/frustrating.
Oh well. Effective procrastination! Instead of doing what needs to be done now, do something with less priority, but still needs to be done. Better than playing Spider Solitaire or Freecell... of which I played two games of each and won all four!
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