Divide by Null - undefined


Voicemail has its uses, for example, when one won't be able to pick up the phone for awhile, but needs to relay a message immediately, or when other forms of communication are not possible, i.e. e-mail or texting is inconvenient or irrelevant.

However, I still usually end up ignoring it, thus rendering most of the pros as moot.

(1) Oct 10, 08 - 10:18 AM

On the subject of high school friends, just because you're different, doesn't mean you can't be friends.

(0) Jun 17, 07 - 10:41 PM

Pi is wrong.

Well, actually, maybe it would just be better to use what is currently known as 2*pi. I've always thought it would be easier if sine and cosine had periods that were just pi, not 2pi.

So should pi be 6.283185...? Should pi be the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius, instead of diameter? If so, it would take about 50 years for this to gain any momentum in the mathematical community.

(0) Apr 20, 07 - 12:07 AM

Fun with Regular Expressions

Sunday, June 18, 2006 | 2:53:02 PM

I wanted to set up a simple way to add HTML to my entries. In this way, people can also style their comments. Instead of <b>bold</b>, one can use asterisks. It should be *much* easier this way. I'm testing it right now by putting everything I added in, but I really hope it doesn't need -too much- any editing to my PHP.

I'll also need to add a few backslashes later to *stop* it from -changing- when desired. At least those. Then there's also compound-word protection- or sometypes of* under_score things_and such. Also* *-I-* -need- -work- on -*compounding- -these-*. It shouldn't be too hard2 to accomplish0, I hope.

Then there's the links (/) to add. Molto Marcato gets a free plug here. The links were actually the most difficult part, such as random text links to http://www.google.com. Or, I may get rid of the scheme and only do http://www.google.com and such. It might be a bit more difficult than I thought Oh yes, can't forget titles and maybe I'll add rel information if I need it later.

Now... lists and blockquotes?

  1. List item
  2. Second item
  • now
  • it's
  • unordered
I say that this is a quote!
Ryan (myself)

Image capabilities will likely be added soon.

An orange

So, I hope that these things will be fixed and soon you won't even see the code =P.

When that time comes, I'll probably make a new page explaining how to use it for commenting purposes and such. It seems Web 2.0 ish with it's neverending beta, since I'll probably keep changing it when I want to add something new.

What do ya'll think?

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Random thoughts and programming work

Friday, June 16, 2006 | 12:05:25 AM

Sorry for the lack of updates. I don't like putting forth lack-luster entries. Then again, anything is better than nothing... in most cases. I haevn't found a muse to write. Or if I have, then I lacked the initiative to do so. But now I'm going to force myself to develop some idea...

Time for a job? I do need a source of income, but I'm far too lazy to go to work at some fast food place, for instance. I simply don't feel like doing such tedious work. Well, not that what I'm interested in doing is not tedious... but it's a different kind.

I'm actually interested in doing freelance jobs as a web designer or programmer, in order to raise side imcome. So far, I've done a few jobs, but they've ended up being for free. Ehh, that's fine. I can build a portfolio or something. I need to work on my creativity, though.

Ahh, come to think about that, I can set up a digital portfolio of sorts. The about me section on this blog won't really cut it. That's something to do for the summer I guess.

Now, more things on web production. I'm really glad that I've worked on so many php projects. A lot of things I can simply copy and paste then modify to the new specifications. But still, I want to keep growing and make newer and better things. Perhaps a forum is next in order to build. I'll look around and see what interests me.

Of course... if anyone needs a website created (preferably with financial compensation), I'd be glad to do so =D

Comments (1)

Graduation, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006 | 1:37:12 AM

First of all, I'd like to congratulate the class of 2006. WooT!

Next, I'd like a moment of silence for those from school who were not able to make it today.


This day has been awkward. It didn't seem like the last day of school until the confetti was scattered up to the wind, down to the grass. Yet, it's the end of an era and a grand beginning for most.

This was a day of reflection for me. I thought about the past and how I've changed. I thought about the present and what I've become. I thought about the future and what I want. But you never know what exactly the future will hold. It's uncertain, but regardless, I must stay prepared and influence the results.

Now it's time to continue the path I'm creating. I'm well on my way, but there's still so much more to do. It's the time for action.

And to think, there's only one year left.

Let's make it the best one.

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Layout Number Two

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 | 1:41:15 AM

Enough with the blue... now we're moving on to something... brighter.

I had orange in my last layout, but it wasn't enough for me. Now I went all out. It still seems a tad bit... unoriginal, but it's more of a separation from the standard blog format. I'm too lazy to round the corners, however. I was kinda lazy on many aspects of this. Basically, I wanted more orange. That I got.

The reason this is somewhat rushed is that I wanted to get this done by June 1st. That way, new month, new layout. Thanks to, for instance, my physics and spanish projects both being due on Friday, this was pushed back. Even though I missed my personal deadline, I still want to finish it post haste. It's not horrible, but I have a few problems with the layout. I think it's an improvement, at least.

And I didn't want it to be too bright without being too dull. I hope that these orange shades don't kill the eyes.

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On Yearbooks

Monday, June 5, 2006 | 7:43:57 PM

So it's the end of the year time, and there's all this fuss over signing yearbooks.

What's my stance on this? Personally, I think I'm bad at writing yearbook notes. I don't write all these complicated messages and I often have trouble thinking of what to say in the first place.

I'd rather give a short note to the person, summarizing key points or include a small anecdote, and then stay in contact with the person through other means. That way, the end of the school year isn't the end of a relationship. Sure, one can always look back to the message to reminisce a bit, but isn't an actual conversation better? It's not good to live in the past either. Reflecting is fine, but dwelling is not. And if the relationship was truly strong enough, one would think that communication would continue between the people.

But maybe I'm just trying to make myself look good since I know my messages can be somewhat... lacking in quality. I'm not one of those people that writes a rough draft 3 days in advance, but I'm not one to simply say "Great year, have a good summer." I think it's a nice median.

And I wonder how many people came here from the link I left in their yearbook? Comment? That way we can still keep in touch!

- Ryan Gochee
[illegible signature]

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