Fun with Regular Expressions
Sunday, June 18, 2006 | 2:53:02 PM
I wanted to set up a simple way to add HTML to my entries. In this way, people can also style their comments. Instead of <b>bold</b>
, one can use asterisks. It should be *much* easier this way. I'm testing it right now by putting everything I added in, but I really hope it doesn't need -too much- any editing to my PHP.
I'll also need to add a few backslashes later to *stop* it from -changing- when desired. At least those. Then there's also compound-word protection- or sometypes of* under_score things_and such. Also* *-I-* -need- -work- on -*compounding- -these-*. It shouldn't be too hard2 to accomplish0, I hope.
Then there's the links (/) to add. Molto Marcato gets a free plug here. The links were actually the most difficult part, such as random text links to Or, I may get rid of the scheme and only do and such. It might be a bit more difficult than I thought Oh yes, can't forget titles and maybe I'll add rel information if I need it later.
Now... lists and blockquotes?
- List item
- Second item
- now
- it's
- unordered
I say that this is a quote!
Ryan (myself)
Image capabilities will likely be added soon.
So, I hope that these things will be fixed and soon you won't even see the code =P.
When that time comes, I'll probably make a new page explaining how to use it for commenting purposes and such. It seems Web 2.0 ish with it's neverending beta, since I'll probably keep changing it when I want to add something new.
What do ya'll think?
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